
Krail’s Folly: Mapquest

A few days ago I posted this sketch of the local area that will become the Krail’s Folly stomping grounds. I think it’s a relatively compelling little map. But powerpoint just sucks as a graphics tool. Fortunately, I have two other tools at my disposal. ProFantasy’s Campaign Cartographer 3, and Fractal Mapper 8. Unfortunately, I…

Apropos of Nothing: Write it down with style

I have recently started carrying around a journal to record my thoughts about blog posts. It’s very cool looking, and for what you get, very inexpensive. I recommend it for anyone involved in anything creative. It also has the side-effect of generating a lot of comment (though occasionally people ask me to what Bible Study…


Krail’s Folly: Pouring sand into the sandbox

In a previous post, I linked to +Jason Packer‘s concept for a Dungeon Fantasy sandbox campaign. In it, he posits a royal command, given by someone named King Krail, to reclaim an area bordered by some pretty distinct geography. In short, he sketches out a sandbox, evocatively enough that it begs many questions, some of which…