In which I squeal like a little girl
There has been progress in the art for GURPS Martial Arts: Technical Grappling. This may not seem like much, and I’m sure the queue is quite long, etc. But this is progress.
Thursday is GURPS-day, and so here’s today’s entry: This one isn’t really navelgazing. I wrote The Last Gasp for a few specific reasons, and I thought I’d share a bit of how the article came about. First, I’ve been a bit – frustrated is too strong a word – but at least a bit twitchy…
OK, the previous post was a bit of a let-down, right? A perfectly good rant was set up, but it’s not actually a good rant, because, hey, the GURPS rules handle this just fine as-is more or less, from point values from 75 through about 300 (probably less if I stripped all the non-combat stuff…