
Skill Levels for Ranged Combat in GURPS

By special request! The post on melee skill levels in GURPS broke my previous record for number of views in a day, so I guess people liked it. Enough so that the “but where’s the ranged stuff?” came as a special request, and a natural follow-on, to boot. Preamble Ranged weapons are difficult in GURPS. Oh,…


Pyramid #3/52: Low-Tech II is out!

The latest issue of Pyramid, #3/52: Low-Tech II, is out. I’ve got an article in it! Called Delayed Gratification, it’s an option for a different way of handling the Feint maneuver in GURPS, treating it as a variant of an actual attack, rather than a Quick Contest of somewhat-nebulous intention. It’s not a long article,…