Orcpower quick summary – Barb thru Paladin

Orcpower quick summary – Barb thru Paladin

This one can’t be quite as complete as the prior builds, but it will at least put all the characters on the same scale, using the Orc-o-Matic v2.  This will either look at melee attacks or cantrip-based Orcpower, the basic “what can I do every round, forever, until they kill me?” question. We can look…

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Castle of Horrors: Neil Stevenson

This is my character for +Mark Langsdorf‘s Modern meets Dungeon Fantasy mashup, Castle of Horrors. Some thoughts on his generation and makeup are intermixed. Neil Stevenson (200 points) Neil finished high school and joined the Army, where he was a pretty good soldier, mostly light infantry. Ranger training. Probably saw a bit of combat. When he…