Zoned “mapless” combat for GURPS

Zoned “mapless” combat for GURPS

I’m blog-stalking +Peter V. Dell’Orto these days. You should too. He’s penned a few posts on mapless combat for GURPS that got me thinking, again, of borrowing concepts from other games. In this case, the concept of Zones from Fate. Zones are a nice, abstract way of thinking about who’s where in a narrative game. You can fight…

Retreat, Better Defenses, and Evaluate
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Retreat, Better Defenses, and Evaluate

+Peter V. Dell’Orto has an interesting note today about the challenges of the Retreat defensive option when using mapless combat. It’s worth a read. I was intrigued by the option of just always giving people the benefit of increased defenses, the +1 for retreating for a parry/block, or the +3 for Dodge (or parry when using Karate, Judo,…