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You got your Technical Grappling in my Dungeon Fantasy

+Peter V. Dell’Orto gives a play report on how, despite what you might think, GURPS Martial Arts: Technical Grappling makes Dungeon Fantasy more awesome, rather than less. In fairness, he and I developed a huge treatment of this subject on our own, so it’s not “out of the box” ready to go, but it wasn’t that…

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Galen(iyel) – angsty half-elf Mystic Archer

We’re gearing up for another Dungeon Fantasy-style campaign, this one more hex-crawl-like. Lots of wilderness, some dungeons. +Syndaryl calls it Chaos Scar, a properly evocative name. Last game, run by +Nathan Joy, I played Cadmus, a Warrior Saint. Fun character, but limited in some ways. This time, I wanted to go back to my roots, and try my…

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Felltower – Themes from an awesome play report

+Peter V. Dell’Orto runs a pretty awesome “pickup” Dungeon Fantasy megadungeon campaign, called Felltower. His most recent play report was epic on several levels, not the least of which was, “hey, Dragon!” More broadly, though, the session was interesting from other perspectives than was was clearly the fun that was had. What did I notice? Research…