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Dragon Heresy major milestone – players book complete

The Dragon Heresy RPG player-centric book is finished, at least in complete first draft form.  Based off of an extensively edited and modified SRD5.1, the player’s book consists of roughly 172,000 words, or between 235-275 laid-out pages depending on how that goes. You can see the raw dump of the Table of Contents below. This…

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Writing Update: Dragon Heresy starts to see the end

I did a lot of writing last week, and was up until just shy of 4am on Saturday night trying to finish editing the magical items, treasure, and rewards chapters. For those that come to these pages looking for tons of GURPS content, especially my semi-regular features such as The Reloading Press or even the…

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90 pieces of art, indexing, and Kickstarter

As the light at the end of the tunnel becomes clearer, it appears that to make the book I want to make, I’m going to need art. Lots of art. (“a Picasso or a Garfunkel!”) I’m far enough along in the writing process that while I can clearly see that I have a lot to…