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Firing Squad with Benjamin Loomes of Syrinscape

March 2014’s RPG Blog Carnival is focusing on Virtual TableTops and Online Gaming. I invited VTT creators to chat with me briefly about the state of VTTs, and what’s the future of online RPGs. This evening I sat down for a brief chat with +Benjamin Loomes, lead developer of Syrinscape, a program that enables playing…

March 2014 Blog Carnival: Five Days Left!

There are five days remaining in the RPGBA Blog Carnival for March 2014! The topic is VTTs, Online Gaming, and (by extension), computer gaming aids. There’s lots to talk about here. My post from earlier this week, where I actually discuss my experiences with Fantasy Grounds, formed after interviewing +Doug Davison , was quite widely read. So:…

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Trying out Fantasy Grounds in a Banestorm Camapgin

I was invited to play Radskyrta (Red Shirt, in old English) in a GURPS Banestorm campaign using Fantasy Grounds. I was interviewing +Doug Davison and a few times we mentioned the GURPS included ruleset. Overall impressions after five hours of play: The graphics are impressive. The player side of the interface handles things well enough. It takes…