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Castle of Horrors: Gargoyle Hunting

Tonight we played in another session of Castle of Horrors. We set up a proper fire lane against some four-armed seige beasts, and more or less made as short work of the as one would expect with that many guns trained on flesh-and-blood 12-foot-tall humanoids. Which is to say: very short. We can’t stand toe-to-toe…

Violent Resolution – Guns . . . Lots of Guns
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Violent Resolution – Guns . . . Lots of Guns

In a previous article, Violent Resolution looked at the skills used for ranged weaponry. In this column, I look at the weapons themselves. Similar to differentiation found in hand-to-hand weapons, differentiation in ranged weapons, including the titular guns, provide a way of showing strengths and weaknesses, and providing different dramatic opportunities, within games. Most games (but…