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Combat Sumo Wrestling

Sumo Wrestling is the ugly red-headed stepchild of GURPS grappling skills. It really doesn’t get much love in character design from what I can tell. So, is that bad? Or is it appropriate to relegate Sumo to the dustbin of skills that should be eliminated, replaced, or otherwise shunned? Sumo! Huh! What is it good…


GURPS Niche Protection – Capability vs. Execution

A comment that was recently made struck an idea in my head, and that was that what makes characters different is what makes the game fun. The differences in their capabilities. That struck me funny, and it took me a moment to realize why. GURPS allows two different characters that have completely identical capabilities to play…

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Technical Applications – Fightin’ with Peter

+Peter V. Dell’Orto asked me to run him through a fight with Technical Grappling, and we spent a while on Friday night going through one. You can read Peter’s take on this match up over at Dungeon Fantastic. Actually, we spent nearly an hour yakkin’ it up, since he’s a great guy to talk to and…