
Pyramid #3/52: Low-Tech II is out!

The latest issue of Pyramid, #3/52: Low-Tech II, is out. I’ve got an article in it! Called Delayed Gratification, it’s an option for a different way of handling the Feint maneuver in GURPS, treating it as a variant of an actual attack, rather than a Quick Contest of somewhat-nebulous intention. It’s not a long article,…


Skill Levels for Melee Combat in GURPS

GURPS Basic Set covers the question of how high your skill levels should be with the Choosing Your Skill Levels box, on p. B172. Some other resources (GURPS Tactical Shooting, Guns Skill Levels, p. 42) also throw down what the right skill levels are for various archetypes. But let’s, as Jeffr0 put it, tear down the…


Sticking it to ’em: Impaling Damage Type in GURPS

This is a bit of a design gripe, though I don’t know if any of my potential solution brainstorms are worth the hassle of doing anything about it. Still, we’re all entitled to a few disgruntled moments over not much, right? I’m not a big fan of the impaling damage type. There are two benefits to…