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Melee Academy: Multiple Attacks

In GURPS, you can pack a lot of action into just a few seconds. But sometimes, you just need even more. While the various attack maneuvers let you strike a blow in the name of science (as an example), sometimes, due to a surfeit of targets or a surplus of awesomeness on your own part,…

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Grip Strength Made Easy (Easier)

Originally in Technical Grappling, Grip ST – how many dice you get to roll when you grab someone – was figured differently. During revision, it was changed, and during playtest, it was altered, folder, spindled, and mutilated. Ultimately, I decided to go with a precise way to combine limbs when grappling. Figure out the contribution…

You spin me right round baby right round

You spin me right round baby right round

There’s an interesting discussion over on the forums about using the Slip maneuver – a retreat in the forward direction – to maneuver around your foe. +Sean Punch provided some feedback on how this should be treated, and how when looking at a system using discrete one-second turns,  sometimes judgement must be exercised to ensure sanity….