Session Writeups and the DF Criteria

Session Writeups and the DF Criteria

Over at Dungeon Fantastic, +Peter V. Dell’Orto lays out what he looks for in a session writeup. Now, I enjoy writing me some Play Reports. I’d like to think my transcripts are fun, informative, and I do try and find good pictures to illustrate points. But how do I do using Peter’s Principles of a good After-Action…

New Blogs Incoming – watch this space

I’ve heard rumblings that at least three blogs will be hitting the GURPS and other games pavement over the next month or so.  +Jake Bernstein, who goes by Apoc527 on the SJG Forums, was instrumental in playtesting some of my stuff. He took Technical Grappling for a spin, as well as playtesting On Target before…