Well, well, well… Hans

As I mentioned a few days ago, we have a new blog in town.

Hans-Christian Vortisch, author of GURPS Tactical Shooting among many other things, is starting up his own blog. You can see the kinds of things he thinks about in my Firing Squad interview with him.

It’s called Shooting Dice – Guns and Gaming.

He’s got three posts up already, and a bunch more queued. Go over and take a look. At the moment, he’s writing up some famous fights from movies and other media in GURPS terms – he’s got one from the movie Collateral up now. He’s got a breakdown of the firearms HP Lovecraft owned, and he’s also got a review of the P7M8 pistol, much in the same pathway as I reviewed the Walther PPQ.

Given my own interests and writing, you can bet I’ll be reading him. You should too.

Let’s just leave him a nice cowboy greeting.

“Welcome to the party, pal!”

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