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Dragon Heresy Sneak Peek: Roleplaying and the role of the GM

I tossed this up on the SJG Forums as part of a discussion on the role of the GM in gaming. So I figured I’d share here as well. There’s nothing terribly profound, I think, that hasn’t been said repeatedly over the last 40 years. WHAT IS ROLEPLAYING No game would be complete without an…

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Dragon Heresy major milestone – players book complete

The Dragon Heresy RPG player-centric book is finished, at least in complete first draft form.  Based off of an extensively edited and modified SRD5.1, the player’s book consists of roughly 172,000 words, or between 235-275 laid-out pages depending on how that goes. You can see the raw dump of the Table of Contents below. This…

Sample Dragon Heresy NPC/Foe: the Archmage
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Sample Dragon Heresy NPC/Foe: the Archmage

A sample NPC/Monster writeup from the Dragon Heresy draft. This started life in the SRD5.1, but has been modified for the new game rules. Archmage Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment Speed 30 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 10 14 12 20 15 16 0 +2 +1 +5 +2 +3 Defenses Wound Thresholds…