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Gaming Ballistic’s Firing Squad: Interview with Kenneth Hite

This week,+Kenneth Hite generously accepted my invitation to sit down with me and chat about a limited part of his body of work. I’ll admit to no small amount of trepidation at the opportunity. Ken’s knowledge is so encyclopedic that I wanted to make sure that I’d done my homework – so I purchased some books…


Gaming Ballistic’s Firing Squad: Vlogging about Blogging with Erik Tenkar

This session of Gaming Ballistic’s Firing Squad has me sitting down with +Erik Tenkar of Tenkar’s Tavern. I first became aware of Erik through a few links to his blog, and rapidly realized that he puts a lot of content on there, as Dyvers estimated in his Great Blog Roll Call: an average of 85 posts per month….

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Gaming Ballistic’s Firing Squad: Leonard Balsera (Lead Designer for FATE Core)

After my first two interviews, I tried to branch out. I contacted +Fred Hicks, to talk about FATE Core and its success – and he referred me to +Leonard Balsera, who was the design lead on the project. I gratefully accepted, and when Leonard returned from a busy convention schedule, we set up some time…