Have you stopped by Ballistic Interviews recently?

There’s a lot of really good stuff that has been covered on the Firing Squad. Have you seen them all? There are transcripts, thanks to +Christopher R. Rice‘s excellent efforts – and if you have transcription to be done for gaming, you need to contact him – for all the interviews. MP3 audio files are available for most of them.
We’ve got +Sean Punch talking about GURPS, and +Steven Marsh and Sean and very prolific Pyramid authors talking about writing, plus a very active Pyramid Write Club promotional video. We’ve got a couple features from bloggers and writers, and a whole bunch of new stuff about gaming online.
And more to come. I’ve got no fewer than three more interviews, maybe four, in the pipeline (many of which are part of the Blog Carnival for March). 
After that, who knows. Maybe we can con/persuade/convince Joss, Nathan, Zachary, Wil, or Felicia to grace these pages if we’re nice . . . 

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