Apropos of Nothing: How I feel about DST
I know this is random, and I owe you the final two reviews on the last Pyramid issue (sorry to +Christopher R. Rice and +Steven Marsh ). But this is too good to pass up
I know this is random, and I owe you the final two reviews on the last Pyramid issue (sorry to +Christopher R. Rice and +Steven Marsh ). But this is too good to pass up
Once again, over on the forums there’s a thread. In this case, someone created a repeating crossbow that is re-loaded using a pump-action similar to a shotgun. The design on the thread was a fairly standard design, nothing quite as elaborate as the image to the right. So, what would I make of such a beast?…
+Aaron McLin made a comment on my previous post noting that if you actually have (say) a plane of elemental evil, where evil is a real, tangible thing, then working through the “they don’t think it’s evil” thing doesn’t work. From the comment feed on G+ Tabletop RPGs: That, I think, depends on how you want…
In yesterday’s post on +Rob Conley‘s Majestic Wilderness D&D Campaign, I noted the difficulty of keeping all of everything straight. Part of that was trying to integrate the map and geography, the PCs themselves, getting a feel for my own character, as well as being dropped in the middle of things. Ready? OneTwoThreeFIGHT! But the more…
Pyramid #3/77 – Combat is out, and I’m very excited. +Sean Punch has his typically enticing blub posted in the SJG Forums here. It has my alternate rules – playtested over the course of something like 6-12 months, for treating the Aim maneuver as a die roll. These rules work, in play, in a way that really…
+GodBeastX , +Anne Hunter , and Wright Johnson joined me for three hours to kick off the “second” playtest group (of three) for Dragon Heresy. We did not play. Nonetheless, they stuck with me for three hours of chatting, with interruptions by my 6yo, something outside, and tea. We talked setting and character generation from the perspective of three people…
One interesting thing struck me from the previous post, especially when one considers the often-repeated admonition that just because you have located your miniature figure on a hex-map in a given spot, doesn’t mean that you’re sitting in the middle of that hex at all times. In fact, you’re probably anywhere in it. Evil Math?…
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That's actually really good…I'd watch that. Also, as someone with insomnia I feel that way all the time…"What time is it?!"
I agree. While the title of this article is a contemptible lie (that would be slavery, I think), the actual article is an excellent overview of why the thing is not only ridiculous, but actually harmful.