Gigaventure Actual Play special edition podcast – with Gaming Ballistic
I was invited by +Alicia Sofie Davis and joined by +Christopher Sniezak over on Gigaventure’s end of year podcast to chat about The Year of Our Blog 2014.
I was invited by +Alicia Sofie Davis and joined by +Christopher Sniezak over on Gigaventure’s end of year podcast to chat about The Year of Our Blog 2014.
Wow. Yet another snowstorm. Looks like total snowfall tonight and tomorrow could be 6-12 inches. Lovely. Today is GURPS-Day, but I don’t have anything for the first time in a while. Maybe I’ll postpone until tomorrow. I’ve been busy, though, with a few writing projects with +Peter V. Dell’Orto, as he mentioned in his own post….
Thursday is GURPSDay, and today marks the end of GURPSDay’s May recruiting month. Well, the good news is we didn’t get skunked. The other good news is we are now up to 47 blogs from which we pull. I know there’s more out there, though, and just because it’s not recruiting month, that doesn’t mean…
Two items from Steve Jackson James. GURPS First Yesterday was release day, with an actual release: GURPS Zombies: Day One. I know for a fact that the pipeline is crammed full of stuff, having seen some of it. This one (and many of +Sean Punch‘s projects) go under the playtest radar, so I did not get…
Skipping over all varieties of introductions and back story. Brody, our resident sneak-a-holic, returns from a foray into infiltrating the local nest of scum and villainy, to report that the girlfriend of the leader of the local Rimerunner’s guild has become recently reclusive and purchased an old hall a few days outside Karlsgard, the town…
In the previous post, I proposed a high-level descriptive model for grappling. Like all models, it’s wrong, but hopefully useful ( “All models are wrong; some are useful.” G. E. P. Box). The steps were basically Grab him Grab him better Achieve a dominant position Win So, how does this work in GURPS? Grab the…