Dungeon Grappling: Deal of the Day 9/24
Dungeon grappling is going to be 70% off tomorrow for the drive-thru RPG deal of the day. If you’ve been on the fence, tomorrow is going to be a great day to pick up the pdf version of that title.
I’m not really very good with character templates and fiddly bits. Rules are my thing, or at least I think they are. So when it came time to add some powers to Cadmus, the Warrior Saint I play in +Nathan Joy‘s Dungeon Fantasy game, I enlisted help. Emily Smirle and +Theodore Briggs pitched in and…
We got together with a small sample of the B-Team for the first time in over six months. I think we decided the last time we played was June. +Erik Tenkar has been on a White Star (by +James Spahn ) kick, so we left S&W behind and rolled up characters for White Star. This is a retro-clone, using…
In Pyramid #3/61: The Way of the Warrior, we see a very, very focused set of articles: six articles plus +Steven Marsh‘s intro and Random Thought Table, contributed by five authors . . . and the lead article was co-authored! That being said, this one was interesting. “How about a theme issue,” said Steven. BAM!…
GURPS is getting a much-needed shot in the arm thanks to the Dungeon Fantasy Kickstarter. It has met and exceeded its funding goals, and the SJG team have made it so that any purchases of GURPS products on Warehouse 23 also count for “how well did the KS do” when it comes to stretch goals….