Excellent progress today on Sample Characters
Just a quick note.
There are really four or five things left to do before the read-review-read-review-read-review cycle starts.
1. Finish pre-gen characters. This is very nearly done. I’m awaiting one more, the backer knows what direction to take, and I expect to have this in hand shortly. The rest of the chapter is done, though the team continues to review the characters for catching little things.
2. Finish the monster write-ups. There are but three left to do.
3. Revise some of the wilderness travel rules. The older ones, based on Fifth Edition, don’t hold up in a Powered by GURPS environment (so to speak). I know what I have to do here, so it should be fast. I also want to add pack animals and some true winter gear in there somewhere – maybe in the Things to Buy and Sell chapter, but it might have to go in The Journey due to layout reasons: I am absolutely going to hit a very, very full 128 pages.
4. I have to put some treasure somewhere; I know where. I’ll work out what.
5. The last two maps have to be inserted. I saw a preview of one of them today, and your GM will kill you all. Oh, sorry. It will be a fun and rewarding delve. Really.
6. I have to write up a Norðlond glossary and pronunciation guide. Cause to not do that would be mean.
7. Backer list and credits.
I’m pretty sure that’s it. I have an appointment to speak tomorrow to my fulfillment guy, and the final bids are in on printing, confirming my plans to print in the UK. I’ve got an idea for shipping options I want to bounce off of him that might be a real “best of both worlds” option. We’ll see if it’s viable or crazy-talk.
I also will be very quickly now setting up the Backerkit surveys and items and stuff, but I really can’t get that done until I lock down approximate shipping cost. I hope to have that done by the end of the week, though, and then let the survey responses go until July 31. Then I’ll lock down and distribute on Aug 1.