Dragon Heresy: A Decent Burial
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Dragon Heresy: A Decent Burial

Cast of Characters T: Dragonborn fighter. Played by my nephew, who very well may have read Dragon Heresy cover to cover, and knows the rules details the way only an obsessed 10yo hypervocal intelligent young man can. Yeah, I love him, but he’s definitely that guy.  S: Tiefling wizard. My daughter. We really dug into the…

Dragon Heresy with 10-year-olds
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Dragon Heresy with 10-year-olds

I’ve started running a weekly game for my daughter (S), her cousin (T), and a friend of S’s from school (L). T is absolutely over the moon for Dragon Heresy, the 5e-derived, Viking-themed game that was my third Kickstarter. That project was smaller than I’d have wanted. I had written something like 800 pages worth…

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Now THAT is how you use a faerie…

Dungeon Fantasy Nordlond #9: “Boo!”   This is a fantastic (and spoiler-filled) snapshot at how you can use a powerful tricksy spellcasting fae as a long-term bad guy. Go back to the prior writeups, using material from Hall of Judgment, and even Rosgarth and Forest’s End, to see how it came to this place.