A Pair of Wizards: Adventures in Nordlond
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A Pair of Wizards: Adventures in Nordlond

Adventuring in Nordlond We had the inaugural session of Kyle’s campaign, which he’s calling the Nordlond Sagas. Not Kickstarter related entirely, but not unrelated either. All the PCs wound up taking a racial package out of Norðlondr Folk. So we have no pure humans. We have an Elfàrd Wizard (me), a Himneskur (god-blooded) knight-ish character built…

Citadel at Nordvorn gets a test drive
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Citadel at Nordvorn gets a test drive

Over on the SJG Forms, user Dalin wrote up a perfectly blushingly glowing play report on The Citadel at Nordvorn: This past weekend, three of my players and I retreated to a small family cabin in the snows of northern Minnesota to launch our new Norðlond campaign. I’ve been buying Doug’s great DFRPG products since…

Thursday is GURPSDay! June 21 to July 11, 2019
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Thursday is GURPSDay! June 21 to July 11, 2019

Thursday is GURPSDay, and it’s on time this week! Still hoping things are headed in a “calming down” direction that will let me return to some actual blogging. Ask me again next week. Scroll all the way down (the random order is, well, random). Catch up and get some repeat views and if you missed…