May is GURPSDay recruitment month
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May is GURPSDay recruitment month

GURPSDay is going well. We routinely hit between 40 and 60 posts from 39 blogs in any given week (with T Bone’s GURPS Diner stubbornly resisting all attempts to wget the hell out of its content). But it could be more. Because I know there are more people playing and writing about GURPS, even occasionally….

GURPS Day Summary April 29- May 5, 2016
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GURPS Day Summary April 29- May 5, 2016

Thursday is GURPSDay, and I’m back from the Far East, mostly recovered, with “hardly any” jet lag. Over the last week, as of 7:20pm CST, there have been 46 GURPS-Related posts from our list of 38 blogs that have popped up on the radar screen. Not every blog posts about GURPS every week, but some are…

GURPS Day Summary April 22- April 28, 2016
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GURPS Day Summary April 22- April 28, 2016

Thursday is GURPSDay, being posted from Bangkok, Thailand, and below you can find most of the blog activity from the last seven days. We had a few script problems that I’d really hoped had been worked out, but I was pushing my luck and testing my wife’s patience as it was having her remote-run the…