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GURPS Dredd need marketing, badly

Very interesting Twitter thingy. Munchkin Apocalypse: Judge Dredd is going to be a thing. The money quote from +Phil Reed in the the tweet above is: philipjreed ‏@philipjreed  Aug 21 @PseudoFenton @2000AD @SJGames Now you have me wondering if there would be enough demand to make GURPS Judge Dredd worth considering . GURPS doesn’t get too much licencing love…

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Slytherin Fu

Once again, my creativity is roused somewhat by a thread on the forums. This one’s on snakes and grappling. One might imagine that I have something to say on this, being the GURPS grappling guy. One would be right. The Raw Way (mostly) If you have a snake that attacks by constriction, you have a…

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GURPS 301: Evaluate

It’s generally found, I’ve noticed, that not too many people take the Evaluate maneuver in GURPS combat. At “only” +1 per turn, by and large it’s a less desirable option than whacking away at your foe with your weapon of choice.  Since many fights seem to involve a lot of circling – which could be cascading…