Dark Lord’s Doom: Errata and Resolution
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Dark Lord’s Doom: Errata and Resolution

Now that Dark Lord’s Doom, the latest programmed/solo adventure by David Pulver, is in backers’ hands in PDF form, errata are starting to come in. Not a ton so far (yay!) but there are some. I’m going to list them here as a record of reports and changes, as well as adding some clarity to broad-brush concepts…


Product Bundles: “We couldn’t find the issue…” but Update fixed it. Hmmm.

Well, despite all the king’s horses and all the king’s support personnel not being able to duplicate the issue that prevented my bundles from working…somehow a patch/update appeared and fixed the non-problem. Coincidence? Perhaps. But perhaps not. In any case, back to working in time for FnordCon2.3…so yay.

MPJ Surveys Away! Pre-order Open! Pay the authors more!
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MPJ Surveys Away! Pre-order Open! Pay the authors more!

Surveys Launched I pushed the “go” button on the Backerkit survey today, so it’s time to collect shipping, get any add-ons you want, etc. I did wind up adding the Print+PDF bundles for the original Five Perilous Journeys, because oops, I forgot to put them in. If there’s something in my back catalog that you…