The importance of reference images (art direction)
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The importance of reference images (art direction)

I’m not an artist, and I don’t play one on TV. Nonetheless, for Dungeon Grappling, and even more so for Dragon Heresy, I’ve taken it upon myself to fill the role of Art Director for my works. This is good, because it allows me to directly influence and drive how my works are presented to…

Travel-induced hiatus; Venture Beyond updates
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Travel-induced hiatus; Venture Beyond updates

Sorry for the extreme dearth in posting. I’ve been in Thailand since last Monday morning, and I’m still there, for work. These trips are almost invariably two weeks long, and quite draining. Work hours are regular, but one tends to get very, very sleepy right after dinner, so it’s hard to focus on much, and…

Gaming Ballistic Update: May 7
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Gaming Ballistic Update: May 7

Not too much going on. It’s ComicCon (technically Wizard World Minneapolis) this weekend, and unlike most times when we spend the entire weekend there, my family was helter-skelter this weekend, with my wife in Chicago, me needing to attend a few Viking planning sessions to build curriculum for classes, and generally playing single-dad with young…