The Dragon Heresy Introductory Set Kickstarter is now LIVE!
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The Dragon Heresy Introductory Set Kickstarter is now LIVE!

The Dragon Heresy Introductory Set Kickstarter launched this morning at 10am! We’ve had a great start, with more than 1/3 of the way to funding in two hours. I’m especially pleased at the interest in the color printing, and very grateful for it. Of course, we’re not there yet, and the best thing folks can do right…

AAAAHHHH!! No, no. We’re good here.
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AAAAHHHH!! No, no. We’re good here.

Been head down for a bit. Kickstarter April 2. Once the gawrsh dang video is in the can (tomorrow I hope), I can start actually breathing again. Assuming my marauding cat doesn’t eat me. She’s hankering for some vengeance after the claw clipping, I think. She’s circling like a (Cat) Sith Lord. Soon, I breathe…

Dragon Heresy: Kickstarter Prep
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Dragon Heresy: Kickstarter Prep

Slowly but surely, it’s taking shape. I’m pretty happy with the bulk of the text of it. I want to add an image of reward levels so folks can see what they get, and I want to cut down the verbiage about shields and show rather than tell for what folks are getting. I’ve got…