Gaming Ballistic – March Update
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Gaming Ballistic – March Update

Here we are again, this Saturday, end of March, marks roughly the seventh month, sort of, since Gaming Ballistic was incorporated. While that might be the official incorporation date, it probably makes far more sense to date the birth of the company from roughly October 1, 2016, which is when I really decided that Dungeon…

Shane Plays Review of Dungeon Grappling – Comments
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Shane Plays Review of Dungeon Grappling – Comments

As reviews happen regarding my products, I have tried to keep up, and post links Thus far, Dungeon Grappling has been very well received critically. This might be because those that bother to review it are already part of its target audience – confirmation bias. The other side, that everyone knows grappling sucks, grappling rules…

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GM’s Day Sale at DTRPG: Dungeon Grappling (and on my website, code gmday)

The GM’s Day Sale at DriveThruRPG is going on today! Dungeon Grappling is part of it. Get 30% off darn near everything on their site, including my book. Just to throw in, you can also get 30% off anything you buy on my own webstore through the weekend of March 12, except for The Art of Dungeon…