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Pyramid #3/70: Fourth Edition Festival in Review

Due to copious lack of time, I’m not going to do a strict review with one post per article, like I prefer to do. I am, however, going to hit each one with my usual method: rating in three categories that boil down to quality writing, quality ideas, and drop-in utility with minimal prep. Destination…


23% Off Sale at Warehouse 23 on GURPS stuff!

SJG doesn’t do it often (hardly ever, really) but until Aug 27 GURPS stuff is on sale at 23% off over at Warehouse 23.  As +Peter V. Dell’Orto notes on his own author page, there’s a bunch of stuff (one book and a few Pyramid articles) that you could pick up. Go Buy Technical Grappling “Grappling rules…

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Slytherin Fu

Once again, my creativity is roused somewhat by a thread on the forums. This one’s on snakes and grappling. One might imagine that I have something to say on this, being the GURPS grappling guy. One would be right. The Raw Way (mostly) If you have a snake that attacks by constriction, you have a…