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Pyramid #3/38: The Golden Geniza of Ezkali

“What the hell is a geniza?” my wife exclaimed, upon seeing the title of the article on the dinner table, where I was (re) reading it in preparation for this review. “Exactly!” I laughed. Ultimately – and remember that although this issue is in the slightly-desported list of lowest total sales, it’s at the top…

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Calling All Bloggers: GURPS 101 and Melee Academy

+Peter V. Dell’Orto , +Mark Langsdorf , +Christopher R. Rice , and +Jason Packer have been dutifully adding to the tally of posts in the Melee Academy and GURPS 101 sections, which is awesome. However, and this is key: we write this stuff because we know each other, we like the system, and whatnot. That being said: we’re far from the only…