Big News from SJG: PDF Challenge and Amazon Page
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Big News from SJG: PDF Challenge and Amazon Page

A Whole ‘Nother Store: Amazon For folks that prefer getting their games from Amazon, or just to widen the opportunities for expanding their market, or just ’cause . . . SJG now has a custom presence on Amazon. This supplements the existing Warehouse 23 sales channel, and is hopefully more discoverable by folks. The Dungeon…

More Perilous Journeys: Ends TODAY at 10pm Central
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More Perilous Journeys: Ends TODAY at 10pm Central

“We’re in the Endgame now.” Aw, snap! The Kickstarter is almost over! In the next half-day or so, we’ll see how many of the still-over-400 followers who haven’t yet backed the project jump on board. We passed the critical 500-backer mark, so from here on out, every 10 backers increases the author pay past the…