The Diary of Rollo Sigurdson (Nordlond Campaign)
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The Diary of Rollo Sigurdson (Nordlond Campaign)

March 19th I am setting out to make my way in the world apart from my father, who is warring against the Neveri Nomads in the south. It’s been a long journey up from the coast but I believe I’m on  my last ship for awhile. I’ve booked passage on a ship headed north, to…

Eye of the Triger (Nordlond Campaign Recap)
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Eye of the Triger (Nordlond Campaign Recap)

Setting the scene: We started off On A Boat (knar, technically, a big ol fat cargo vessel with no on-deck buildings or fortifications) sailing down an extremely big river (half mile wide) to Aienferill. We were hired on by the knar captain (Einarsson) to protect it from being raided, there having been problems with raiding…

More Perilous Journeys: Kickstarter Page Preview
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More Perilous Journeys: Kickstarter Page Preview

  Seven days! I’ve made good progress getting the Kickstarter campaign ready for launch. Enough so that I feel comfortable in showing a preview. More Perilous Journeys: Kickstarter Preview If you have questions or comments, I welcome anything constructive! If you want to be alerted when the project launches, you can sign up to be…