Daily Illuminator; Map; Editing; Funding; Nordlond and Ytarria?
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Daily Illuminator; Map; Editing; Funding; Nordlond and Ytarria?

As I write this, the campaign has been active for exactly three weeks, and we have 12 days to go. Daily Illuminator! Today the Norðlond Sagas was featured on Steve Jackson Games’ Daily Illuminator. If you get a moment, re-sharing or commenting on the post – especially in venues off the forums – will help…

Monotheism and Competing Divinities in Norðlond
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Monotheism and Competing Divinities in Norðlond

Over on the forums, a poster asked a question that probably seeks to tie the Norðlond setting in with real-world history. He has a very specific goal in mind for his musings. I’m not going to address that. But the question of “hey, I want to introduce competing religions into this setting” is a close cousin to…

GURPSDay! Sept 5  to Sept 27, 2019
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GURPSDay! Sept 5 to Sept 27, 2019

It’s another GURPSDay, and here’s the last few weeks of posts! The Nordlond Sagas Kickstarter continues to hum along, though we’re in the ‘doldrums’ period where things are flat. Even so, we’re still projected to clear the last stretch goal, and have enough “latent” backers to exceed it by a significant margin if they all…