Ballistic’s Report – March 24, 2023
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Ballistic’s Report – March 24, 2023

The Best Supporting Actors Kickstarter funds, and otherwise chugs along, and is roughly halfway done. I get my tax return information. A whole lot of head-down on BSA makes major progress. Best Supporting Actors: Adversaries and Allies appeared in the OSE Newsletter published by Necrotic Gnome and a blog post on Tenkar’s Tavern in one…

Felltower: Things Fall Apart?
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Felltower: Things Fall Apart?

We kicked off where we ended, which was in deep trouble. A realization that Greater (Greatest?) Healing was not a 1-second spell meant that Sigur’s plight was still dire. -20 HP or so but free of many grapples. So very much still reeling and rolling to stay conscious each turn, with the spellcasters at low…

Gaming Ballistic Week(s) in Review for March 17, 2023
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Gaming Ballistic Week(s) in Review for March 17, 2023

The new Kickstarter is up and running! I knock down some important housekeeping items. My new sword remains awesome. The Foundry VTT module for Nightmare Fuel was finished and sent to backers last week, closing out that project completely. Best Supporting Actors: Adversaries and Allies launched with, well, mixed success. On the one hand, it was…