Best Supporting Actors: Adversaries and Allies launches next week on Kickstarter
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Best Supporting Actors: Adversaries and Allies launches next week on Kickstarter

Gaming Ballistic is pleased to announce the next release supporting Old-School Essentials. Best Supporting Actors: Adversaries and Allies In the pages of the book, find ready-to-play characters built as individuals. Each has a brief description, providing a snippet of their past, motivations, and salient details that make them unique. They’re not all combat monsters: Some…

Ten Weeks Later: Gaming Ballistic Weekly Report (Feb 17, 2023)
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Ten Weeks Later: Gaming Ballistic Weekly Report (Feb 17, 2023)

Ballistic’s Report – 10 Weeks of Silence, 2023 It’s been ten weeks since my last report. What started with some head-down grunt-work as I ran into the 2022 Xmas break collided with what was ultimately a disappointing finish to my Nightmare Fuel Bestiary project. Immediately after that, my plans for 2023 were all thrown into…

Hanwei/Tinker 9th Century Viking Sword: Grip Shortening

Hanwei/Tinker 9th Century Viking Sword: Grip Shortening

Yesterday I reported on getting (and dulling down) a new sword for practicing the sword-and-shield study I do at Asfolk. Today, after getting a great piece of advice from my classmate Kai, I set out to shorten the grip. This went quite well. My goal was to make it on the longer end of what…