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Lost Hall of Tyr: Victory!

We passed the finish line last night with $4,055 pledged, which is a nice place to be. In the next few days, I’ll be sending out a few emails letting you guys know a few things. First, it’s my practice to really show you where the money’s going. I’ll post a complete financial cost/revenue update shortly. I…

Lost Hall: Second Best Day of the Campaign!
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Lost Hall: Second Best Day of the Campaign!

We had a fantastic day yesterday, and the weekend in general was wonderful. We pushed well past the original $3,500 stretch goal (though that’s now irrelevant because we’re getting that anyway) and there’s still 15 hours to go – the campaign closes at 10pm CST. As we head into the final hours, a reminder: Gaming…

Brainstorm Successful: Swords and Wizardry Stats included
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Brainstorm Successful: Swords and Wizardry Stats included

I had a brainstorm last night, and realized that (no surprise) I was over-thinking the conversion of Lost Hall of Tyr to Swords and Wizardry. As a result, I will be including conversion notes for S&W players in the release of the game. No stretch goal required, just added utility. This will definitely take two…