GURPS Day Summary Feb 17 – Feb 23, 2017
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GURPS Day Summary Feb 17 – Feb 23, 2017

Welcome to the second year of GURPSDay, and here’s the morning pull for you guys. We’re currently drawing content from 76 blogs. Only 24 more to go until we’re pulling from 100! But we’ll need your help. How? Two action items: post more, recruit more. It’s really that simple. More posters is more posts, and more interest…


MapForge – you need to back this. Yes, you.

Hernan Ruiz Carnauer is someone I’ve known for a bit. I’ve seen and envied his Battlegrounds program, and backed his last few Kickstarters, some of which funded, others which did not. This one, though: MapForge, falls into the category of “Shut up and take my money!” Look at those textures. And those are programmable tiles…

Aeon Campaign S4E8: Where’s my mummy
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Aeon Campaign S4E8: Where’s my mummy

Dramatis Personae The Commander (Doug) – telekinetic super-soldier with a really angry dog (Yukio). The dog is a powerful ally (250-300 points) and very intelligent and very, very aggressive. Zephyr (Merlin) – Real name Murui; Shaolin Kung Fu expert and super-speedster. Eamon Finnegan (Kyle) – smooth talking gravity-master; a lawyer so good he can actually prove…