GURPS Day Summary June 10 – June 16, 2016
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GURPS Day Summary June 10 – June 16, 2016

Thursday is GURPSDay, and below you can find the blog activity from the last seven days. Over the last week, as of 10am CST, there have been 85 GURPS-Related posts from our list of 54 blogs that have popped up on the radar screen. This week we picked up both Jason “PK” Levine and Sean “Dr…

Heretical Countdown – what’s left to do
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Heretical Countdown – what’s left to do

I’m starting to really see the end of this. What I’m trying to get done this week: Backgrounds. Want to get them done, at least to first draft status. (finished 6/15) Shields. Want to make these decisions, revise the rules, publish them in advance of next month’s games. (conceptually finished 6/15, will ripple changes later…

Aeon Campaign S2E10 – Do not adjust your set
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Aeon Campaign S2E10 – Do not adjust your set

Today we did something quite different, and Christopher let me know (I think he let everyone know) ahead of time. The game would involve everyone acting like one of the characters was dreaming about the entire superhero thing, just like that episode of Buffy.  That, by the way, very nearly ruined BtVS for me. It…