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Gaming Ballistic’s Firing Squad welcome Doug Davison of Fantasy Grounds

March 2014’s RPG Blog Carnival is focusing on Virtual TableTops and Online Gaming. I invited VTT creators to chat with me briefly about the state of VTTs, and what’s the future of online RPGs. This evening I sat down for a brief chat with +Doug Davison , President of SmiteWorks, the company that owns and develops…

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Christian knocks one out of the park

Remember what happens next? +Christian Blouin pens at least a GURPS 303 article on using social reactions and influence against PCs. Any time you’re “compelling” the characters to act a certain way, you need to be somewhat cautious, but still, it can be done, and often is an important part of a majorly fun plotline Consternation…

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Firing Squad Welcomes Liz Theis discussing Wolf Lair’s Realmworks

Gaming Ballistic’s Firing Squad was joined by +Liz Theis from +Lone Wolf Development to discuss their soon-to-be-released campaign management tool, Realm Works. I was introduced to Liz and Lone Wolf through +Ed Healy and +Joey Turco of +Gamerati, who saw my notes about interviews for the RPGBA March Blog Carnival on VTTs and Computer Gaming aids. I knew of Hero Lab, but honestly didn’t…