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GURPS Jade Regent – Ice Tower

We ended last game with the weather finally clearing enough for us to head north to the Frozen Tower (probably of Doom!).  We are starting to – perhaps – approach the pole when a strange blue glow is seen on the horizon. It dominates the dark sky like the Luxor. It’s cold. Damn cold. -100F/-73C…


Hangouts On Air – some questions

I did a practice run with some selfless volunteers last night using Hangouts On Air. Overall, I was pleased enough that I’ll use it for my upcoming video panel discussion this weekend. I do have some questions, though, and if there are users out there with more experience at this than I have who can…

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Sweeps vs. Takedowns (or Force Posture Change)

In +Christian Blouin‘s campaign they’re using Technical Grappling (which is now over 250 sales!) and this seems to lead to more attempts to do grappling-related things. I consider this a win. One thing that came up during play was Drolf, +Justin Aquino‘s character whom I was driving for the day, was going to run by an orc,…