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Blast from the past: Quadratic ST from 2002

With special guest star +Peter V. Dell’Orto Amazing what you find on your computer. Your work computer no less. This file was dated from 2002. I’m not sure the Quad ST idea will really have legs. Too mathematically intense, perhaps. (Heave…HO!)2 Quadratic Strength for GURPS by Douglas Hampton Cole and Peter V. Dell’Orto        There…


Inching towards Technical Grappling

In his weekly update on all things GURPS, +Sean Punch notes: We made the final text corrections to GURPS Martial Arts: Technical Grappling, by Doug Cole (douglascole). We still have art wrinkles to iron out, however. Depending on how much you know about the internal production process, this may be cryptic. This is good news, though. I know what the text…