
Keeping it fun: periodic action other than fighting

+Jake Bernstein sent me this note via my Google profile, and it seemed like a good topic by itself: Just had a random thought about this topic. I’m pondering a Banestorm game, and I am thinking of how to resolve the very “in-play” specific problem of archers and mages needing lots of time to get off…


The Dam Cracks: A Deluge of GURPS Approacheth?

Thursday is GURPS-Day, but I’m glad I was late this week! The inimitable +Sean Punch updated the GURPS thread of his Livejournal, where he gives weekly work-in-progress notes, and this week was a doozy. Reposting the text here with some formatting changes, he announced: We set art deadlines and/or release dates for many projects that were moving…