
Scheduling thoughts – future post content

To try and rationalize what I’m doing with this blog, I’m tossing out some ideas. Monday Morning: Pathfinder Skull and Shackles or GURPS Space Actual Play Report Wednesday Morning: GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Actual Play report. Thursday: GURPS Content or other rules-centric stuff Friday Evening: Read-through reports. I’ve got Pathfinder, FATE Core, and some GURPSy stuff…

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GURPS Campaigns: Past, Present, and Wishful Thinking

I was thinking for a moment about campaigns I have run in GURPS. Reaching way back to college to present day (or, really, a few years back, when last I actually ran anything): Dark Conspiracy – I hated hated hated the Dark Conspiracy game system. It just did not work for me. So my very…