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Actual Play: GURPS DF Jade Regent – Ravenscraeg 5

We picked up with the same server errors we ended with, and 45 minutes after game start, we finally fixed them and got to it. Are you smarter than a SM+1 Troll? We faced two nine-foot-tall Trolls (not the end-of-pencil kind), and Brother Michel engaged them in conversation. Michel: “Hello there. Listen, can we go…


Krail’s Folly: Pouring sand into the sandbox

In a previous post, I linked to +Jason Packer‘s concept for a Dungeon Fantasy sandbox campaign. In it, he posits a royal command, given by someone named King Krail, to reclaim an area bordered by some pretty distinct geography. In short, he sketches out a sandbox, evocatively enough that it begs many questions, some of which…