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Melee Academy: Combat Grappling and Wait

Welcome to the second installment of Melee Academy! Grappling seems pretty cool. The benefits for throwing someone to the ground are pretty impressive in GURPS. They have to spend a few turns getting up (unless then can Acrobatic Stand), while prone they’re at -4 on their hit rolls and -3 while defending. While kneeling, which…

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Melee Academy: High skill vs. armor and shield

This post was spawned in the same discussion +Peter V. Dell’Orto references in his recent entry on the Shield Wall question. This isn’t more about Shield Wall, but more shields in general. After I started on this, I figured some of my fellow bloggers would like to try, so I contacted Peter, Mark, Jason, and the…

Other People’s Posts: A Plethora of Good Stuff

There’s a bunch of pretty awesome stuff going on elsewhere, so I thought I’d link to them. Most of you probably follow these guys anyway. +Mark Langsdorf is doing great stuff over at No School Grognard. A lot like me at the beginning, he has a backlog of great ideas that he’s playtested over the years in…