Heretical DnD: More on armor and combat simulations
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Heretical DnD: More on armor and combat simulations

Since my original forays into tinkering with the combat and narrative mechanics in D&D5, I’ve written a combat simulator to look at how quickly two combatants can drop each other using my rules assumptions, including for armor. I’ve found out a few things, which have sent me back to . . . not the drawing…


Alternate Defenses for All-Out Attack

There are times to All-Out Attack in melee, and even Telegraphic All-Out Attack. They are few and limited, but they exist. Tactical Shooting would have you using AoA(Determined) every time you want to use your sights or claim an Aim bonus. +Hans-Christian Vortisch does impeccable research and he’s right – if you’re aiming, you’re not defending. Still,…