
Pyramid #3/57: Gunplay

I’ve got another article in this month’s Pyramid magazine. Called “Dodge This,” it was the result of a long series of discussions between me and +Peter V. Dell’Orto about dodging firearms and bullets. It was somewhat a reaction to my experiences which led me to write The Occasional Silliness of Dodging Lasers, and the follow-up on “Lesser…


My God, It’s full of GURPS

I wrote about a logjam of GURPS that was pending, right? And Pyramid being awesome GURPSiness? Well, check out the GURPS News. Excerpts from +Sean Punch‘s update (the text in green are his words, copied from the GURPS News) , with a focus on release dates: With other GURPS material biding its time, it seems appropriate to remind…


The Dam Cracks: A Deluge of GURPS Approacheth?

Thursday is GURPS-Day, but I’m glad I was late this week! The inimitable +Sean Punch updated the GURPS thread of his Livejournal, where he gives weekly work-in-progress notes, and this week was a doozy. Reposting the text here with some formatting changes, he announced: We set art deadlines and/or release dates for many projects that were moving…