Sorry, the plot device is on leave this week
So, here I am, having traveled half a world away. While the primary purpose of my trip is still solid, I had a host of other people to do and things to see while I was here. Or something like that.
So, here I am, having traveled half a world away. While the primary purpose of my trip is still solid, I had a host of other people to do and things to see while I was here. Or something like that.
Thursday is GURPSDay. We’re entering the last week or so of the Dungeon Fantasy Kickstarter. It fully funded during Day 16, about four days ago, and is still going strong. It looks to be pushing to anywhere from $135,000-165,000, but that’s not the full story, because ANY GURPS purchases count towards the stretch goals. One…
Thursday is GURPSDay. And today is very nearly THE GURPSDay, as we’re probably seeing the biggest GURPS news today since the announcement of Fourth Edition in 2004. Below you can find the blog activity from the last seven days. Over the last week there have been 55 GURPS-related posts from our list of 63 blogs…
Dramatis Personae The Commander (Doug) – telekinetic super-soldier with a really angry dog (Yukio). The dog is a powerful ally (250-300 points) and very intelligent and very, very aggressive. Arc Light (Christian) – battlsuited gadgeteer with electrical powers The Rat Queen (Emily) – brick with super-perception; made of actual rats Zephyr (Merlin) – Real name…
Inspired by +Ken H over at The Rusty Battle Axe, here are games I want to be involved with in 2015, either by playing them, reading and critiquing, or both. GURPS Alien Menace: Yeah, fine. It’s mine. But it went on hiatus due to foreseen events and loss of free time. But I think hopefully by the…
A repetitive but useful introduction: In previous posts I talked about grappling from the perspective of someone totally unfamiliar with the concept and application. I proposed what is effectively a loose four-step model. Like all models, it’s wrong, but hopefully useful ( “All models are wrong; some are useful.” G. E. P. Box). The steps…
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This is exactly the burden that Old School D&D takes off of my game mastering shoulders. With gold-for-xp and an effectively unlimited map (B2 or a scratch-built megadungeon), the players set the objective and take charge of the plot.
For a more narrativistic game… the ability to telescope and fast forward past the tedious parts means annoyances don't have to be boring. Setbacks and failures are the essence of plot and we for some reason have a tendency to want to gloss over those in favor of what we think is "supposed" to happen.
When Plan A can't work for silly logistical reasons… the players might be forced to use an approach that they aren't as optimized for in a time and place that they aren't min/maxed against. If this sort of thing develops as a direct result of player choices and dice results instead of raw GM fiat… so much the better. I say embrace it as a perfectly logical contrast to business as usual.
This can definitely be done well, and it'll add to the plot. If the taxi is late, but you gift them with the presence of another car nearby, whose operator is just idling, they might turn it into a cinematic scene. "I'll give you a hundred and thirty seven dollars if you drive my friend and I to the airport RIGHT NOW."
If the platoon doesn't show up, do you send out scouts, find that they're lost, and start messing with them where they are? Maybe it's a fortuitous decision, as their APC has thrown a tread and if you can lead them away with a well-played strategic withdrawal, you can avoid their heaviest firepower.
I definitely think it can work just fine, no matter if it's GM fiat or from a random roll on a table.
So Doug, you're saying, basically, what if you decide to go see the Mad Wizard of Madwizardistan, and you show up, why is he automatically there? What if the ship is late, the Mad Wizard is sick and can't see you? What if he's late because he's been traveling and isn't back yet?
It's no different than rolling a reaction roll – not how the guy reacts to you, but "can you get there smoothly?" or "is he there when you get there?"
Personally I think this is totally fine. Just gloss over the delay. "He can't see you for an hour" is very different than "Okay guys, sit at the table for an hour and then we'll play out the encounter." It'll matter if they have a time limit in the game, just don't make it suck out of game.
Oh, sure, I'd never make the players sit around. Just wondering how often people use simple (or complex) friction in their games.
I use it whenever I forgot to be prepared for that action. "Sorry, Dave's not here."