Apropos of Nothing: Have You Seen These Dice?
A bit ago, I was gifted with a Ziploc bag full of dice. I have no idea from what game they come.
And the commenters have spoken: These be Dragon Dice.
A bit ago, I was gifted with a Ziploc bag full of dice. I have no idea from what game they come.
And the commenters have spoken: These be Dragon Dice.
I know my blog has been filled with Kickstarter reports these days. It is, of course, rather important to me to make the best book I can, and in order to do that, I would need to bring in about $4,800, which means I’m roughly halfway there (though the project has funded and will be made regardless…
Looks like things are getting more interesting. Geoffrey Fagan made some notes on Social Traits in GURPS, with three more parts on the way (to appear weekly). Also, Roger Bell-West has started a blog of his own, and has penned an article on Rapid Fire and Shotguns in GURPS 4th edition. Responding to both! Social Traits…
A bit of post-Christmas fun, occasioned by a list of Marvel movies ranked in some sort of order that seemed to me to bear no resemblance to anything I’d ever write down. That’s cool – taste and enjoyment are subjective. Still, here’s how I’d order the movies, from least favorite to most. Again: highly subjective,…
In keeping with the Norse-ish theme of the country from which most adventurers in Dragon Heresy will originate from, I decided that the magic would be a bit more flavored. Here’s a look at the box for the flavors of magic. You’ll recognize some of the text as right from SRD5.1, as is appropriate. Some…
One of the oft-discussed and frequently derided rules of thumb is the GURPS rule for travel: Move x 10 miles per day.Now, that CAN be done, but it’s rather unlikely. But . . . if you take the slowest party Member’s Move, and roll (roughly) half-again that many dice, that accomplishes the same thing.So a…
+Peter V. Dell’Orto , +Mark Langsdorf , +Christopher R. Rice , and +Jason Packer have been dutifully adding to the tally of posts in the Melee Academy and GURPS 101 sections, which is awesome. However, and this is key: we write this stuff because we know each other, we like the system, and whatnot. That being said: we’re far from the only…
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Pretty sure you've got yourself a bag of Dragon Dice. It was an old collectable D&D dice game from TSR back when collectables games were just starting out. I myself have never tried them.
You might not believe this, but they didn't really take off.
Yes, they look like Dragon Dice to me too. Among their problems was that you could only buy random packs, and while people fell for this with Magic: The RPG Killer they didn't seem to be prepared to put up with it for something as bulky as dice, especially when you pretty much needed a themed force to get anywhere.
Glad to hear from fans of this tile pattern!
Stone Split Face